Reach Ten Forty
Know 10/40 Window

Know 10/40 Window

Facts about 10/40 Window

  1. Geographic Extent: The 10/40 Window spans from 10 degrees to 40 degrees latitude north of the equator, covering parts of North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
  2. Population Concentration: It is home to approximately 4.4 billion people, which is about two-thirds of the world's population.
  3. Unreached People Groups: About 95% of the world's unreached people groups, totaling over 3 billion individuals, reside within the 10/40 Window.
  4. Religious Diversity: The region is characterized by religious diversity, with significant populations of Muslims (1.8 billion), Hindus (1.2 billion), Buddhists (520 million), and adherents of other faiths.
  5. Poverty Rates: Many countries within the 10/40 Window have high poverty rates, with over 60% of the world's poorest people living in this region.
  6. Access to Clean Water: Approximately 20% of the population in the 10/40 Window lacks access to clean water sources.
  7. Child Mortality: Child mortality rates in some countries are well above the global average, with some regions experiencing under-five mortality rates of over 50 per 1,000 live births.
  8. Education Levels: In certain areas, less than 50% of girls have access to primary education.
  9. Conflict Zones: Several countries within the 10/40 Window have experienced prolonged conflicts and instability, affecting millions of lives.
  10. Refugee Crisis: It hosts around 42% of the world's forcibly displaced people, including refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and asylum seekers.
  11. Religious Freedom: Many countries in the region have restrictions on religious freedom, with over 70% of countries having high or very high levels of government restrictions on religion.
  12. Languages: It is home to over 4,000 languages, making translation efforts critical for sharing the Gospel effectively.
  13. Oral Cultures: Approximately 70% of the population comes from oral cultures, where written texts may not be widely accessible.
  14. Youth Demographics: Over 60% of the population in some countries is under the age of 25.
  15. Urbanization: Rapid urbanization is occurring in many parts of the 10/40 Window, with over 50% of the population living in urban areas.
  16. Internet Access: While internet penetration is growing, around 40% of the population still lacks access to the internet.
  17. Economic Growth: Some countries in the region have experienced significant economic growth, with several ranking among the world's fastest-growing economies.
  18. Religious Conversion: Despite challenges, there are reports of individuals converting to Christianity, with thousands of baptisms occurring annually in some areas.
  19. Human Trafficking: It is a region with high rates of human trafficking, affecting over 9 million victims.
  20. Healthcare Infrastructure: Access to healthcare services can be limited, with some countries having fewer than one doctor per 10,000 people.
  21. Child Labor: Child labor is prevalent in some countries, impacting over 15% of children under the age of 14.
  22. Gender Inequality: Gender inequality and discrimination persist in many parts of the 10/40 Window, with high rates of gender-based violence.
  23. Agriculture: Agriculture is a major economic activity for much of the population, employing over 60% of the workforce in some countries.
  24. Natural Disasters: The region is prone to natural disasters, with over 40% of the world's earthquakes occurring here.
  25. Missionary Activity: Despite challenges, there are numerous missionary organizations and individuals working in the 10/40 Window, with an estimated 410,000 Christian missionaries serving in this region.